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Subscriber Exclusive Livestreams
How long can I watch the TTB @ the Cap Livestreams
How long can I watch the Snarky Puppy Livestream?
How long can I watch the Mempho Music Festival?
How long can I watch the Thievery Corp. Livestream?
How long can I watch the Stevie Wonder Tribute?
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Livestream PPV Tech Support
How do I watch the JRAD benefit Livestreams?
How do I watch the Soul Coughing Livestream?
How do I watch the Morphine Orchestra Livestream?
How do I watch the MMJ Benefit Livestreams?
How do I watch the Pay-Per-View Livestream?
View all 24 App and Streaming Subscriptions
How much are subscriptions and what is included?
How do I cancel or manage my nugs subscription?
How do I navigate the new desktop player?
How do I use the Queue / see History?
What's included with the free app vs. a monthly/yearly subscription?
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Solutions to Common Problems
How do I listen to the Pearl Jam show I saw?
No codes or audio release for D&C @ Sphere
Where do I find Live Audio Streams?
Why is the last Bruce show not available?
Problems streaming Bruce Springsteen Audio?
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When will the Pearl Jam show be available?
How do I access Free Live Audio Streams?
How do I enter the Super Rewards contest?
What's the difference between MP3, Lossless, and HD formats?
Why are FLAC & ALAC more expensive than MP3?
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What is MQA?
What does the A for ‘Authenticated’ refer to?
Can I listen to downloads in MQA on my mobile?
Shipping & CD Problems
How are the CDs made, packaged and sent?
I ordered a CD, DVD, or Vinyl. When will it arrive?
How do I burn Nugs Downloads to CD?
I don't live in the U.S. - What about customs, duties and taxes?
My CD, DVD, or Vinyl order never arrived. What can I do?
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What are the recommended specs for enjoying Nugs Downloads?
Is there a cumulative list of all the shows that I've purchased?
Can I copy shows onto my portable device?
Purchases & Billing
Why am I being charged taxes?
Do listed prices include taxes?
How do I change my credit card or address on file?
Why can't I enter my postal code or International address code?
My credit card keeps getting denied or I cannot make a purchase. What can I do?
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Why is the show I purchased not in My Library?
The show I downloaded is incomplete. Can I download again?
Why does the Download Manager pause or stop?
My computer crashed or was stolen and all the downloads I purchased are now gone. Can I download them again?
I get an error message saying "UNAVAILABLE IN YOUR TERRITORY" when making a purchase
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